About AMC
Our organization is uniquely founded in the rule of faith in the South African society. Through our individual and collective efforts, diverse differences and opinions, and enabled by a capable state, the South African people hold the power to make our country a prosperous beacon for Africa and the world.
The ultimate aim of our movement is realization of Socio-Economic policy through people’s power and the establishment of a state that responds to the need of the people.
AFRICAN MOVEMENT CONGRESS is a vigorous vanguard organization that leads and represent previous and present, the revolutionary of our masses in the fight against racism and the class enemy.
AFRICAN MOVEMENT CONGRESS takes socio-economic agenda as the theoretical basis guiding its thinking until the policies are put into practical, tangible, sound development of its political, activism line and its activities.

Donate to our campaign
- Account Number: 2091957399
- Bank : Nedbank
- Branch Code: 1743800
- Account Type: Club Account